Michelle Bravely Shares Her Story to Help Others

Meet artist MzMagik, who we know as Michelle. If you’ve attended any of our events, you may have seen, or even purchased, some of her artwork. We’ve had the privilege to know Michelle for quite a few years now. She came to us as a resident, but has been a staff team member for several years. We value her story and her bright and positive spirit. Michelle’s journey has been one of fear, pain, perseverance, learning, healing, discovery, and a new perspective.

Putting herself “out there” has been a forward-moving step for Michelle; one that has made her look at her own vulnerability, while at the same time being an encouragement for others.

“Little did I know that this trauma and all that went with it would be the one to rule my everything, seen and unseen.” – Michelle

Read Michelle’s story in our spring 2022 Pathways newsletter.