It seems like there is a constant plea for funds from so many excellent charities – how to choose? We can tell you how Stepping Stone became #1 on our list. It was sort of an accident that we found this wonderful facility. Sandi had knit many scarves for a homeless shelter but when we went to donate them, a church had just donated a great many scarves and hats that their congregation had made so the shelter didn’t need them. Now what? We Googled shelters and found Stepping Stone and reached out to them.

Our first donation of hats, scarves, mittens, etc. were so graciously received that we were really impressed. We were offered the opportunity to tour Stepping Stone and what an education that was! We did not know that such a program existed and were captivated by all the services being offered to their clients. This program is set up to help people overcome their difficulties and move into permanent housing.

There is an old adage that if you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day but if you teach him to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. That is what Stepping Stone reminds us of. This is not a place where unhoused people can come and just receive food or clothing but rather they can get the education and assistance they need to successfully live in permanent housing. We are not only amazed at the services offered there, but also all the collaborations they have with other organizations. We were just left with the overwhelming feeling that these people REALLY know what they are doing.

We are seniors with a capital S. We are not able to do a lot of physical volunteering but we were really delighted to find so many ways we could help out. We were able to continue donating both goods and money, attend their Gala (which is incredible, by the way) and stay in touch with the development staff to find out how to be of assistance. One thing we particularly enjoy is when they put out a list of immediate needs, and we go shopping for them. It is so fun to buy things like shampoo and soap knowing that someone will appreciate them and that we are doing our part.

We look forward to finding ways to be of help to the people who pass through Stepping Stone. Any time someone is able to move into housing, it is a win for all of us. We are excited to be a part of this winning team!